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Episode Info:
Air Date: 24 Sep 1999
Prod Number: SL-513
Written by: Keith Damron
Directed by: David Peckinpah
Summary: Rembrandt, Maggie, Mallory and Diana are caught in the middle of a bizarre and deadly fast food franchise war. The Sliders barely slide away with their lives only to appear in a world where its people are dedicated to pleasure and hi-tech recreation. Quite a change from their previous venue, this world is dominated by Mark Einman, an entertainment mogul who through holographic generated adventures can make one's every fantasy come true. The Sliders decide to take advantage of their new surroundings. They declare themselves "on vacation" and sign on for Einman's state of the art entertainment experience, The Arcade. Mallory elects to role play a civil war soldier while Rembrandt embarks upon a holographic 1970's detective adventure. Maggie and Diana decide to play it low key and hit the Roman health spa. Later, after the games, Rembrandt and Mallory share their disappointment with their adventures feeling that the scenarios are little more than holographic violence-fests. The people of this world seem more interested in satiating a peculiar bloodlust than actual role playing. Rembrandt and Mallory decide to leave but are unable to locate Maggie and Diana. Things really get weird when holograms of Maggie and Diana appear as characters in the fantasy games. It is later discovered that people were being kidnapped and connected to the virutal reality machines. Rembrandt and Mallory finally finds Diana and Maggie and rescues them from a never ending virtual death.
Screen Captures:

Actor Character
Bruno Angelico Pimp
E.J. Callahan Clown
Lamont Dixon Security Chief
Sam Dolan Union Soldier
Frank John Hughes Hal
Mark Hunter Flint
Kristopher Logan Tourist
Sean Moran Royal Burger Manager
Todd Waring Mark Einman
Kevin West Fred

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