Sabrina Lloyd Chat held 24 August 99 on

(Chat portion dealing with Sliders)

Mallory91: Why did you decide to leave “Sliders,” and what were your feelings on returning to the show in some form? What did you think of the woman who doubled for “Wade Welles”?
SL: I knew I’d get that question!!! I decided to leave because I’d felt I had played it as long as I wanted. It was wonderful and I enjoyed it but I wanted something new creatively. They wanted me to do a new episode and I did a voice-over. I was just as surprised as you were about the double! I said, “Wow, that’s a close match!” She didn’t really look like me though. It was fun.

vortex62: Do you keep in touch with any of the old Sliders cast?
SL: I do not, but I get to hear about them through mutual friends. We keep tabs on each other.

BriaS: Hi Sabrina. I’d like to say that I really like your character on Sports Night. In fact, you were the main reason I started watching. I also liked your character on Sliders. You are TRULY missed by Sliders fans.

CJHoward: How do you think Wade Welles and Rebecca are similar?7
SL: You mean Natalie? I assume so. :-) I think they both have a lot more energy than I do!

Karen239: Would you possibly jump through the vortex one last time in a TV movie to wrap things up on Sliders? (If scheduled permitted. No matter what happens to Wade this season, there are ways around it.)
SL: I knew there’d be more Sliders questions. ;-) I certainly wouldn’t be opposed if everyone decided to do it and the original cast was there and we thought it would be fun. Never say never, I say.

Alan_H1: I really enjoyed your singing on Sliders (Stoker) -- all 20 seconds of it. I’d like to hear more. Do you think you’ll ever do a CD?
SL: Awww! :-) Well, I’d certainly like to. I haven’t been able to concentrate on it. It’s hard to focus on anything more than one career, but it’s still a hobby. I love to sing and it’s nice to know you like it.

Qball79: Do you plan to purchase Cleavant’s CD when it comes out?
SL: I didn’t know he had one, but absolutely. He’s an incredible musician and man and I’d support him always He was Rembrandt on Sliders. He is awesome!

bowler2000: A few years ago I sent you some music tapes when you were on Sliders. Did you get them? If yes, how do you like them? I also gave a set to Keri when she was in Ny last year.
SL: I never got any tapes. I’m sorry, they must have never made it to me. ( Bummer!)

misswells: Was Wade’s last name Wells or Welles?
SL: It was spelled both ways and I don’t know which was the original.

(Full Chat)

GlobeHost: Okay everyone, please welcome actress Sabrina Lloyd. Hi Sabrina, thanks for joining us. Here is your first question.

az_steve: What is your favorite Sports Night episode?

Sabrina Lloyd: Hi, thank you! I guess for me personally it would have been Small Town because of where I got to go with Natalie. In terms of the season mine was The Six Southern Gentlemen of Tennessee.

Drags72: Sabrina- Thanks so much for doing this. It's so much fun to have an opportunity to speak to the actors on this wonderful show.

Michaelamcp: Joshua hinted that Jeremy and Natalie might have a rocky romance this season. Would you like to see Natalie become involved with another character if she and Jeremy did break up?

Sabrina Lloyd: Oh, good question! :-) Yes I think I would. It would be an interesting dynamic for the show. I don't know if it would happen but I wouldn't be opposed to it.

liltroll08: If there were any story that you would like to have your character on Sports Night play out, what would it be?

Sabrina Lloyd: Any story? My goodness! I guess I wouldn't mind it if they explored a bit, I know a sports journalist and she said she found it difficult to be a woman and a journalist, we did touch a little bit on it and I wouldn't mind seeing us do a show on that.

zapatos2: Did Josh know in advance about that last glass of water you threw in his face on the episode where you were trying to scare the writer's block out of him? It sure looked like he didn't. One of the funniest moments in Season 1 in my opinion.

Sabrina Lloyd: Yes he did! :-) I have to say that's his acting ability, we only did it once, it was all planned and I'm sure he's glad we only did it once!

Michaelamcp: Will we see you in anything else apart from Sports Night and On Edge? How big is your role in your new movie On Edge? And did you enjoy working on it and the chance to do more comedy?

Sabrina Lloyd: I loved it! It was my first film comedy. It's a small role, I have a cameo as an accident prone skater and it was just a blast! The cast was amazing, I got to learn to ice skate, the director was great. That's the only project I had this summer those 2 are it.

sportsnight: The show is amazing, and the dialogue is so fastpaced, do you guys often have bloopers? Is there any chance of us seeing a blooper show?

Sabrina Lloyd: We have bloopers all the time, I don' t know if we'd have a show but there would be a long show, guaranteed! It's hard when you have to walk and talk that fast.

Paul761: Is it legal in the US to be so cute? In the UK we'd have to have you arrested as a threat to public order.

Sabrina Lloyd: (LOL!) I haven't been arrested yet, so....that's very sweet. Thank you.

Mallory91: Why did you decide to leave "Sliders", and what were your feelings on returning to the show in some form? What did you think of the woman who doubled for "Wade Welles"?

Sabrina Lloyd: I knew I'd get that question!!! I decided to leave because I'd felt I had played it as long as I wanted. It was wonderful and I enjoyed it but I wanted something new creatively. They wanted me to do a new episode and I did a voiceover. I was just as surprised as you were about the double! I said, wow that's a close match! She didn't really look like me though. It was fun.

vortex62: Do you keep in touch with any of the old Sliders Cast??

Sabrina Lloyd: I do not but I get to hear about them through mutual friends. We keep tabs on each other.

BriaS: Hi Sabrina. I'd like to say that I really like your character on Sports Night, in fact, you were the main reason I started watching. I also liked your character on Sliders, you are TRULY missed by Sliders.

GlobeHost: Fans. OK now that the gushing is over, on to my question. Here at onelist we have heard about practical jokes. Have you ever been the recipient of a practical joke and Also, have you ever played a practical joke on anybody.

Sabrina Lloyd: I've never been the recipient of practical jokes, but I haven't had it done to me yet. Knock on wood! :-)

CJHoward: Hi Sabrina...thanks a lot for coming here. You and Joshua are really great sports. I'm just wondering, how do you think Wade Welles and Rebbeca are similar?

Sabrina Lloyd: You mean Natalie? I assume so. :-) I think they both have a lot more energy than I do!

mackenna_ray: If you could meet anyone famous - dead or alive - who would it be?

Sabrina Lloyd: I think I'd like to meet the Dalai Lama.

alli49: Are you a sports fan? Did you watch figure skating before working on your new movie?

Sabrina Lloyd: I've always watched it. And I'm not a big sports fan. I can enjoy it when it gets to finals, I may be a half hearted sports fan, but I never follow the season. I watch hockey, too!

mackenna_ray: I heard that often you don't get to read the current scripts till almost the last minute. What's a typical Monday moring table (script) reading like?

Sabrina Lloyd: The cast sits down with everyone and we read it through just once. Then we start rehearsing, go onstage and rehearse all Monday and Tuesday and shoot for the rest of the week.

McCall3: Hello from "Attorney Bernie" and all the video crew of SPORTS NIGHT

Sabrina Lloyd: (LOL!) Hello!

gougeon: Hi Sabrina, thanks for being with us tonight. Do you really know some poker players from sigma kappa pi? :-)

Sabrina Lloyd: No, I do not! That was pretty funny! That epidsode we did.

Paul761: Do you ever look on the internet to see the (very complementary) stuff that is written about you by fans?

Sabrina Lloyd: Oh I don't, I don't. I don't really get a chance to get on the computer often but maybe I'll start. :)

Karen239: Do you miss the south?

Sabrina Lloyd: No! Not at all. I miss the East Coast, that's my favorite place, but not the south.

Scallahan: Sabrina, Sports Night is a great show. one of few that I watch regularly, do you guys spend time together of the set?

Sabrina Lloyd: No we really don't. It's different when you shoot in a town everyone knows. At the end of the day everybody wants to be with friends and family. If on location it would be different.

scott51882: Will we see the results of Natalie's problems with Christian Patrick?

Sabrina Lloyd: I wouldn't be able to answer that. I'm left in the dark as much as you are as to what happens but I wouldn't mind seeing it. That's only in the creator's head. I have no idea.

Clem29: I heard in an interview that Peter Krause is a huge Rickie Martin fan, and that he gets psyched up to film a scene by blasting "La Vida Loca." Is that true?

Sabrina Lloyd: Oh my God!! I have never heard that before but you can bet I'll ask him tomorrow.

Karen239: These are for Informant who could not be here.

GlobeHost: Several Sliders fans sent letters to thank you for showing us you cared. Would you possibly jump through the vortex one last time in a tv movie to wrap things up? (if schedule permitted. No matter what happens to Wade this season, there are ways around it.)

Sabrina Lloyd: I knew there'd be more Sliders questions. ;-) I certainly wouldn't be opposed if everyone decided to do it and the original cast was there and we thought it would be fun. Never say never, I say.

Alan_H1: I really enjoyed your singing on Sliders (Stoker) all 20 seconds of it. I'd like to hear more. Do you think that you'll ever do a CD?

Sabrina Lloyd: Awww! :-) Well, I'd certainly like to. I haven't been able to concentrate on it. It's hard to focus on anything more than 1 career but it's still a hobby. I love to sing and it's nice to know you like it.

Aelita99: What kind of music and movies do you like?

Sabrina Lloyd: I like every kind of music. I like classical, country, any kind of pop, or rock. Movies?? I love romantic movies. I'm just a girl. Anything with a good love story in it....

iciclelily: What was your first thought when you read over the script with the techincal phone sex?

Sabrina Lloyd: Oh God how will I pull this off! That was the first thought. I was utterly terrified. (LOL) I was so mortified....

QBall79: Do you plan to purchase Cleavant's CD when it comes out?

Sabrina Lloyd: I didn't know he had one, but absolutely. He's an incredible musician and man and I'd support him always. He was Rembrandt on "Sliders." He is awesome!

ChandlerXSN: Hey Sabrina, I wanted to tell you that you are a huge hero/influence of mine. I am graduating high school next year, and I am planning on moving to LA to try my lifelong dream of becoming an actress. I was wondering if you had any advice or tips?

Sabrina Lloyd: Awww... :-) Gosh, the best advice I could give is to believe in yourself, your dreams can come true, never give up, hold onto that light in you, life for it, breathe it, believe in yourself. That's the advice I got.

mackenna_ray: We've read that you lived in Australia for a year. What did you do there, and did you like living there?

Sabrina Lloyd: I was an exchange student and Liked it very much. It was incredible and changed my life forever. I certainly couldn't imagine life had I not go there. It's beautiful and I'd love to go back.

Clem29: Sabrina -- First of all, you're great! Now, about your co-star...I think Joshua Malina is incredibly talented and amazingly sexy. Is he fun to work with?

Sabrina Lloyd: (LOL) yes he is and I agree completely. He's a complete joy and makes working so much fun. I can just look at him and Natalie's just right there because he's so charming.

bowler2000: A few years ago i sent you some music tapes when you were on Sliders.did you get them? If yes, how do you like them? I also gave a set to keri when she was in ny last year.

Sabrina Lloyd: I never got any tapes, I'm sorry they must have never made it to me. :( Bummer!

CJHoward: Attention everyone in the Eastern Standard Time Zone, please tune your television set(s) to your local ABC affiliate..."

Sabrina Lloyd: That's nice. Thank you!

Sambrea: Do you try to put parts of yourself into your characters, to make them more realistic and such?

Sabrina Lloyd: I think there's always a part of you in them. Who you are and your life goes in everything you play, so yes there are always elements of me that are different, and similar, certainly.

Drags72: I'll phrase this so you don't get into trouble. Who does Natalie think is cuter, Dan or Casey?

Sabrina Lloyd: Oh no!!! Don't ask that question!! Oh! I'll have to take the fifth. I can't answer. They'll kill me, I'll never live it down! I can't! I just can't! I'll never answer it, I have to come to work everyday.

Sarah1999: How is Robert Guillaume handling the shooting schedule now?

Sabrina Lloyd: He's doing great, he's back, funnier than ever, and we're all so incredibly happy and proud of him. He shows up with the biggest smile and works just like the rest of us.

sportsnight: How many episodes have you guys shot for season 2 so far?

Sabrina Lloyd: We're just starting the second this week.

Sarah1999: Do you think SN will have a better chance of more viewers this season, since it won't be up against Will and Grace?

Sabrina Lloyd: I hope so! I think we all hope so. :) That's a nice "gift" to us. They have a lot of fans and hopefully now we'll find some more for us.

lordraz1: Will you support Warren Beatty if he runs for President?

Sabrina Lloyd: Oh my goodness! Sure! Why not! I'll support him just because he's doing it....

Care69: Are we going to see more about Natalie next season?

Sabrina Lloyd: From your lips to Aaron's ears! I'd certainly hope so but I just don't know.

Dawn416: I heard you made a movie called Wanderlust (I think that's the name). When did you make it? Will it be available on video?

Sabrina Lloyd: I made that about 1 1/2 years ago and it's just still in post production, I guess. I don't know what will happen with it. I'm waiting.

Sabrina Lloyd: To see the screening. It's a cute, sweet indie film.

QBall79: Can you tell us anything about the new episodes of Sports Night?

Sabrina Lloyd: I can tell you there's going to be surprises in the first episode but that's all. We just got our second script so I don't know much more.

thinman9: WANDERLUST? Isn't that Danielle Steele?

Sabrina Lloyd: No.

alli49: What are the names of your cats?

Sabrina Lloyd: Lucy and Theodore.

sportsnight: Will we be seeing more of Bobbi Bernstein next season?

Sabrina Lloyd: Oh I don't know, I'm sorry. :-0

sportsnight: Do you get recognized a lot in public? Would you give out an autograph to a fan who, let's say, saw you at a Starbucks?

Sabrina Lloyd: I rarely get recognized and yes, of course I would if approached.

SnOasis: What is the difference between working in Sports Night and in plays and movies?

Sabrina Lloyd: It's a TV show! Which is completely different. I don't know if I'd be able to briefly explain. In a way it mixes both because we get to rehearse like a play and the scripts are one acts, yet we film it like with movie or TV and you don't get that with hour TV or film.

CJHoward: Ever think of trying Celebrity Jeopardy?

Sabrina Lloyd: Oh never! Never, never! No I get incredibly uncomfortable on the spot.

sportsnight: Is the behind the scenes of Sports Night anything like the behind the scenes of SportsCenter?

Sabrina Lloyd: I don't know about SportsCenter so I can't answer that. I hope so! We're all trying to do that here.

gougeon: We've been talking about this on onelist a lot, but what's your take on why there is always so many people still working at CSC, even at or around Midnight (Rebecca is the best example)?

Sabrina Lloyd: Maybe nobody a has a personal life! I know the show comes on late so the people who run Sports Night have to stay late.

Sabrina Lloyd: Why they'd be there? I don't know, maybe they work the night shift??

thinman9: What kind of cats are they?

Sabrina Lloyd: New York Street Cats! ;) Rescued.

misswells: I have a question about Sliders. Was Wade's last name Wells or Welles?

Sabrina Lloyd: It was spelled both ways and I don't know which was the original.

CJHoward: What made you audition for Sports Night? (I promise, no more Sliders questions, Reb--Natalie...;-)

Sabrina Lloyd: I loved the script!

zapatos2: The show has some HUGE fans over at the onelist. And I think I speak for all of them when I say THANK YOU for doing this. You don't know how much we appreciate you making yourself accessible to us!!!

Sabrina Lloyd: Aww, that's nice. Thank you. You're the people who keep us all working and we appreciate it.

GlobeHost: And thank you Sabrina, we look forward to seeing you on the season premiere of Sports Night in October on ABC. We wish you continued success and good luck

Sabrina Lloyd: Thank you too!

GlobeHost: And thank all of your for joining us for our live chat with Sabrina Lloyd. Check the chat section for more great chats here on

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